Abstract Submission Form

Abstract Submission: FOGCE Conference 2023

Announcing an exciting opportunity for Modern medicine doctors, Gynecologist, Researchers and Allied healthcare professionals in India to submit their original scientific research abstracts related to the field of Gynecologist to ‘FOGCE Conference 2023’.

Selected abstracts will be given the option for Paper/poster presentation. Paper/ Poster abstract presenters will have the option to present virtually.


  • Each Consultant shall present only one Paper or Poster.
  • Consultants are expected to present only their original work.
  • The abstract shall not exceed more than 300 words.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the abstract review Committee. The selected abstract will be shortlisted for either Paper or Poster.
  • Clearly state the full name, Mobile Number , Email ID & Name of the Institution in the abstract
  • Abstract should include Title, aim, methods, result & conclusions.
  • Paper presentation is for 7 minutes with 2 minutes for discussion, total 9 minutes.
  • Poster presentation is for 5 minutes with 2 minutes for discussion, total 7 minutes.
  • The presentation will be judged on subject content, clarity, slides layout including appropriate use of graphs, charts, & images, review of literature & discussion.
  • Exceeding time limit will fetch negative marking.
  • The decision of the Judges is final.
  • All contestants selected shall receive a participant certificate.
  • Prizes will be announced at the valedictory function of the Conference.
  • Only original study & case series will be accepted under Free Paper category.
  • For Paper, the presentation is in PPT, not exceeding 4-6 slides.
  • For Poster presentation it should be in single slide in landscape format and should be self explanatory with appropriate images.








Abstract Submission is Closed for Paper and Poster Presentation, for more information please contact with Sripriya R - 9840300907

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